Bob 9th October 2024

Another year since you were taken and it hasn’t gotten any easier. I still miss you so very much and the regrets I have surrounding the time of your passing are still as painful as ever. I’m so sorry I didn’t do better for you, before you were taken! I have a lot of wonderful things in my life and I try to do as you taught me and focus on those wonderful things instead of the negative, but it’s hard, especially on a day like today. I hope you are in heaven (or some form of afterlife) and that you are doing okay. If you are able to look down on us, I’m sure it upsets you to see our sadness and struggles, but take some measure of comfort in knowing that your memory is loved and cherished by us all and that one day we will (hopefully) all be reunited. If you do live on, I can only assume it is without the horribly unfair pain inflicted upon you, and if I were certain in life beyond (which I truly wish I was), that would bring me great comfort, but for now at least I shall have to make do with hoping. I hope you live on in some way. I hope you are without pain. I hope you have been given the rewards you so very much deserve. I hope I didn’t let you down too much. I hope I can improve and be a better person and make you proud. I hope I can speak to you and see you again. I hope. Love you lots and miss you lots. Xxxxxx